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Borrowed Books

These are the books my kids picked out at the library this week...I'm going to have to implement an "if your bag is too heavy for you to carry it, you have too many books" rule because my shoulders are taking some weekly library abuse!

(Non-Fiction and Chapter Books)

Does God Have a Big Toe?
Endangered Animals
Kids Can Save the Animals!
Animals in Danger
I Wonder Why the Dodo is Dead
Tongues and Tails
Curious Creatures: Strange Nature
Curious Creatures: Mistaken Identity
Curious Creatures: Making Contact
Prehistoric Life
Pirates Past Noon (A Magic Tree House Book)
Lions at Lunchtime (A Magic Tree House Book)
Knights of the Kitchen Table (A Time Warp Trio Book)
The Not So Jolly Roger (A Time Warp Trio Book)
The Little White Horse

Picture Books:
Cat Games
Over and Over
Amelia Bedelia and the Baby
Grand Hotel
Noah's Ark
Eloise at Christmastime
Christmas Cookies
The Night Before Christmas
(Don't ask me what's with all the Christmas books...they weren't even filed together!)

Magic Tree House Collection: Books 33-35
Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf

Totally Tropical Rain Forest
Rose Petal Place

*I found the Spanish Muzzy system and was SO excited...but when we got it home, I was dismayed to find out that inside was the first half of Level 2, and the second half of Level 1...so it was pretty much useless. Whoever donated it to the library must have mixed up the tapes unknkowingly.

I also borrowed 10 chapter books for research on upcoming issues of Literary Child. I found July's book selection, and I'm so excited...we LOVE it!! So stay tuned....